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**After purchase of this service, Jennifer will be in touch to schedule an appoinment.**


This listing is for one 60-minute session. 


**New clients, please select "NEW CLIENT" and receive a discount on your first session.**


All subsequent 60-minute sessions will be $125.


Chakras are concentrated energy centers in the body responsible for receiving and incorporating as well as giving and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels. They work with our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, both influencing and being influenced by everything such as our experiences, activity, relationships, choices, and nutrition. A Sanskrit term, Chakra translates to “wheel” or “disk.” 


When a chakra is not functioning properly or it is blocked, illness is more likely to occur. Chakras can become imbalanced or blocked when we are exposed to low vibrational frequencies, such as traumatic events, poor stress management, or lack of self care. One of the most effective & easiest ways to cleanse, balance, and empower the chakras is by using crystals. Crystals possess some of the highest vibrational frequencies on Earth and simply being around them and setting your intention to attune to their vibration can have a profound effect on your health and wellbeing. 


See More About Jennifer Rose Esposito

Crystal Alignment and Chakra Balancing Session -- 60 MINUTES

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